50 Books in a Year · Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews · Review Tour

Broken Dolls by Tyrolin Puxty (Review Tour)


Cover Artist: Eugene Teplitsky

Genre(s): Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Date of Release­­: December 14, 2015
Pages: 175
My Rating: ★★★★★

“Ella doesn’t remember what it’s like to be human – after all, she’s lived as a doll for thirty years. She forgets what it’s like to taste, to breathe…to love.

She helps the professor create other dolls, but they don’t seem to hang around for long. His most recent creation is Lisa, a sly goth. Ella doesn’t like Lisa. How could she, when Lisa keeps trying to destroy her?

Ella likes the professor’s granddaughter though, even if she is dying. Gabby is like Ella’s personal bodyguard. It’s too bad the professor wants to turn Gabby into a doll too, depriving her of an education…depriving her of life.

With time running out and mad dolls on the rampage, Ella questions her very existence as she unearths the secrets buried in her past; secrets that will decide whether Gabby will befall the same fate…”

To say that I loved this book would be a bit of an understatement. I grew up watching Goosebumps, of course but as a Canadian I was also treated to “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”. This book reminded me a little of an episode from that called “Tale of the Dollmaker”. So honestly, this book holds a bit of a special place in my heart, because that television show was the start of my love for the different and the dark. It is everything I have enjoyed in my 30 years.

“Most people think dolls are just toys, but they’re really like perfect little people. Sometimes, they’re so life-like that its almost as if the dollmaker took a person and shrunk them down to doll size.” – Tale of the Dollmaker.
See the similarities?

This book totally kept my interest during my read of it. All the characters were well thought out and played their roles perfectly. Lisa was the best antagonist, questioning her and Ella’s existence and why they were in the attic. The Professor did a great job keeping his secrets, and to Ella he seemed so creepy after she began to question him about herself, Lisa and the Professor’s granddaughter Gabby. The twists, turns were the right added suspense to it; It was a thrill ride to read. Such creativity too!

I loved when Ella started to develop a bit of a sense of humour after really questioning her reason for being. She became more human because of that.

I so hope to read more from Tyrolin Puxty because I think the Professor’s doll making legacy is just at the beginning…

Will be cross-posted at Shh I Am Reading Tumblr  & Good Reads

Find Online: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Goodreads

About the Author: Tyrolin Puxty


I’m a Jack, or more accurately, a Tyrolin of all trades. In my 23 years, I have walked the red carpet for song
nominations, was awarded Australian of the Year in 2014 for Music and in 2015 for the Arts, worked as a qualified paralegal, appeared in TV Shows, hired for product photography, modelled, became a Justice of the Peace, started my own club for school children interested in the arts, worked for a successful magazine company, published a book, hugged a koala and had a show ride collapse on my head.

Find Tyrolin Puxty Online:
Website| Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Curiosity Quills Press (CQ) is a small hybrid publishing company specializing in genre fiction of the highest quality. With 150+ titles in our catalog already and approximately 6 new books coming out each month, there’s never a dull moment at CQ. We work with major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible to ensure that you, the reader, can find whatever you are looking for at your convenience.

Founded in 2011 by Eugene Teplitsky and Lisa Gus, CQ was initially a resource portal for writing and publishing, created in an effort to help writers, like themselves, survive the publishing industry. After rapid success, CQ morphed into publishing press that over time has solidified its share in the market. Now we spend our days searching for the next great escape!

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50 Books in a Year · Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews · Review Tour

Find Me If You Dare by Vicki Leigh (Review Tour)


Cover Artist: Dean Samed

Genre(s): Young-Adult, Paranormal-Romance, Urban-Fantasy
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Date of Release­­: December 1, 2015
Pages: 255
My Rating: ★★★★☆

“They may have won the first battle, but the Apocalypse has just begun.
Five weeks have passed since the battle that left Rome and Columbus in ruins. Sheltered in the hidden city of Caelum, Daniel and Kayla train alongside over one hundred Magus and Protectors, hoping that their unified ranks will be enough to take down their greatest threat yet: Richard, his followers, and his horde of Nightmares. Then a fallen comrade is returned to Caelum with a message carved into his chest and a note referencing the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Daniel knows their time for training is over.
Finally understanding Richard’s plans for Kayla and the three other Magus born on Halloween, Daniel and the rest of Caelum’s volunteers scout the U.S. in a desperate attempt to stop their enemy before he can unleash his first Horseman. But when massive attacks claim thousands of lives, people all over the world begin to fall ill—including those Daniel and Kayla care about the most.
With the Horseman of Pestilence released, Daniel knows it’s time to step aside and let Kayla take the lead. Only she has the power to rival her father’s. But when Richard’s plot turns out to be darker than they imagined, their fight is met with more death and destruction—and an enemy who might be unbeatable, after all.”

Daniel is still the main protagonist however Kayla plays a more dominant role and I am really happy to see this. I felt like Kayla in the first book was kind of a wuss. I do understand that the entire situation was new to her and she was learning to deal, but she just grated on the nerves a little. I’m also glad because it will teach Daniel to be a little less aggressive in his Hero persona. They have to be able to work as a team and to work with the others as a team, not two people trying to rescue one another constantly.

Man, Richard…he has it out for the world. Mass Destruction Obsession Batman! I foresee a massive battle between him and his daughter in the future. Especially as Richard revealed that he has Kayla’s mother and is doing God only knows with her mother. His blatant disregard for Nolan’s mother was enough. I can see Kayla handing Richard on serious can of whoop-ass, for sure!

Holy Deaths in this book too. Wow, especially for some very key characters. I hope Daniel can keep the coven’s and his Dreamcatchers together.

The idea of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse idea is very interesting to say the least. Pestilence to make humanity and Protector’s of the Night vulnerable with a demonic virus. I cringe to think of what is next.
I, personally, felt this book was a lot stronger than the first book. Second books can often suffer from “Second Book Syndrome” where it becomes filler and is a lengthy, lethargic read but I found that FMIYD is actually quite action packed.

Just that darn word “evaporation” again! I managed to get my twitching facial reactions to turn off during this book read so that “evaporation” wasn’t as big of a deal.

I look forward to seeing where Kayla and Daniel go from here. I need to see Kayla grow and defeat her father, especially before he launches the world into a dystopian future.
Just don’t kill Seth off okay? You got Tabitha, but we need Seth for comedic relief!

Will be cross posted at Shh I Am Reading Tumblr  & Good Reads

Find Online: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Goodreads

About The Author: Vicki Leigh


Adopted at three-days-old by a construction worker and a stay-at-home mom, Vicki Leigh grew up in a small suburb of Akron, Ohio where she learned to read by the age of four and considered being sent to her room for punishment as an opportunity to dive into another book. By the sixth grade, Vicki penned her first, full-length screenplay. If she couldn’t be a writer, Vicki would be a Hunter (think Dean and Sam Winchester) or a Jedi. Her favorite place on earth is Hogwarts (she refuses to believe it doesn’t exist), and her favorite dreams include solving cases alongside Sherlock Holmes.

Vicki is an editor for Curiosity Quills Press and is represented by Sarah Negovetich of Corvisiero Literary Agency.

Find Vicki Leigh Online:
Website| Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Curiosity Quills Press (CQ) is a small hybrid publishing company specializing in genre fiction of the highest quality. With 150+ titles in our catalog already and approximately 6 new books coming out each month, there’s never a dull moment at CQ. We work with major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible to ensure that you, the reader, can find whatever you are looking for at your convenience.
Founded in 2011 by Eugene Teplitsky and Lisa Gus, CQ was initially a resource portal for writing and publishing, created in an effort to help writers, like themselves, survive the publishing industry. After rapid success, CQ morphed into publishing press that over time has solidified its share in the market. Now we spend our days searching for the next great escape!
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50 Books in a Year · Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews

Catch Me When I Fall by Vicki Leigh


Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Date of Release: October 23, 2014
Pages: 206
My Rating:  ★★★★☆

In 1814, 17 year old Daniel Graham sacrificed himself to save another. Due to this sacrifice he was given a second chance, the recruitment into the Protector’s of the Night. He has spent the last 200 years protecting humans from Nightmares. These aren’t your random Nightmares either; these are demonic creatures with sharp teeth, claws and red eyes who feed off your fear while you sleep. As a Dreamcatcher, he has to protect his charge as well as his partner, a Dreamweaver (who weaves good dreams for their charges). But Daniel wants to step down, as 200 years is a long time as an immortal. He is given a new charge named Kayla Bartlett. She is a curious case with her being in a psychiatric facility for clinical depression. Something about her attracts more than the average number of Nightmares in the night. Something also attracts Daniel to her, enough to break the first Law of the Protector’s of the Night and reveal himself to her and sacrifice his immortality for her.

This book was provided by Curiosity Quills Press in exchange for an honest review and blog tour.

Catch Me When I Fall is told from the point of view of Daniel, which is a huge breath of fresh air! It is rare to read a male protagonist voice with a female author. Pretty awesome Batman!

What struck me about this novel was the concept. It is a little similar to the same idea that Charmed had for White-lighter’s. Yeah I just revealed my age, hush! The only difference is that the White-lighter’s protected and trained new witches as opposed to protected them at night from Nightmares. But still interesting nonetheless.

I did have a couple of issues with this novel, however.
I know that the “love at first sight” thing is a hugely common thing with novels. It adds a bit more emotion to the novel. But I think love and lust is being mistaken. I think even Kayla was a little taken aback with Daniel’s insta-love with her. He was definitely in lust with her. With them being teenagers, and since Daniel hadn’t grown up past the typical teenager hormones, this read more as lust at first sight as opposed to love. I wish authors would, especially if they plan on continuing the story through out a couple more novels, build on love. But that’s just me, I suppose.

The other issue really was the word “evaporate”.
Now I don’t wish to make a big deal about it but as a reader and a self-proclaimed Word Nerd, seeing a misnomer frequently used throughout a novel is really jarring. To evaporate means to dissipate completely, there is no possibility of evaporating into something. I understand if the author was trying to make a word her own to signify teleportation, but at the same time there are always other words that can be used for the context of teleportation.

Aside from those couple of problems, I did enjoy the book. I especially liked Seth, he was perfectly funny. I hope in the next book that Kayla gains a bit more substance, as she’s a little stale with the “damsel in distress” syndrome. But overall, it was quite a good novel.

To be cross posted at Shh I Am Reading Tumblr & Good Reads.

Author Website: Vicki Leigh

Where to Buy:


Barnes and Noble 


50 Books in a Year · Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews · Review Tour

The Actuator 2: Return of the Saboteur by James Wymore and Aiden James- Review Tour


Cover Artist:
Michelle Johnson at Blue Sky Design

Genre: Science-Fiction Fantasy Thriller
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Date of Release: 07/20/15
My Rating: ★★★★☆

The Machine Monks fight to keep control of the Actuator while enemies attack the base. As besiegers wear them down, the rest of the world struggles to adapt to the chaos left in the wake of the great change.
Their only choice is to push forward and find the next key and shutdown the fantasy realm surrounding the base. When they do, Xenwyn will die.

Haunted by the incalculable death toll all over the earth, Jon accepts the
mission to recover the next key. Despite his injuries and as much as he hates to leave his new found love, he refuses to let all of humanity suffer if he can fix it.

Desperate to keep Xenwyn alive, Red determines to find a magical cure before Jon gets back with the key. Each time he takes her across a border, might be the end.

Seeing all his friends in turmoil, Dragon Star sets out to find the saboteur. If the architect of this dark world cannot offer any means of setting things right, he will at least see consequences for the horrors he unleashed.

None of them ever imagined the Actuator could still make the world even

I received this copy from Curiosity Quills Press via the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Despite my laughter at the first novel, when you get to the thick of it the entire existence of the Actuator would be downright terrifying. Especially as the Machine Monks have lost control of it. Not even for the fictional realities, can you imagine someone bringing back past realities? Eep!

There is an amazing moral to this story; actually there are two morals. I love books with morals in their stories! The first moral goes to the Actuator’s creators which is to not play God. There is no better reality than that of the one we live in. The second moral would be to the Machine Monks which is to not base your entire existence on your fantasies and your career, as one day you may become lost within that. Some people might be okay with that but it does wear on you eventually.

But whoa! Red, Dragon Star, Glass and Jon, they all leave the Actuator basically unattended? I was with Cindy, I felt the same worry about being left alone to protect the Actuator. They were going on the assumption that Pete was the saboteur but you can never be sure. Big mistake. Sorry to say but they were asking for it, and now their concern for the world is tougher to accomplish. I hope from here on in, they’re a little slower to trust, even their own people. Especially with something as powerful as the Actuator.

I did enjoy this adventure as well, I just felt that sometimes certain areas of the novel were slow and laden with a lot of talking and weird side adventures. It kind of reminded me of side quests in video games, you do one and three more pop up.

But other than that, I did enjoy it. Dragon Star is by far my favourite character. Oh sorry, Choi. But I really hope that at the end of this adventure, he finds some peace within himself. He deserves it.

Finger’s crossed that they’re able to set the world right. Who knows what other dragon is out there making barbecue of other, unassuming humans!

To be cross posted at Shh I am Reading Tumblr   and Good Reads

Find Online:
Amazon US | Amazon UK| Goodreads

About the Authors:
James Wymore


Moving often as a youth, James Wymore’s family finally settled in the desert paradise of Utah.

He spent a couple years in Korea contemplating the balance of opposing forces. After learning chaos theory in college he found the ideal environment to continue his studies of the uncontrollable, and became a teacher. He earned a Master’s degree before departing from the academic path to seek the greater freedoms of fiction. Still fascinated by the borders
of randomness, he now spends his free time playing and creating games
with his friends and children.

Although he patiently awaits the Tallest Writer in History award, James Wymore has won several awards for his short stories.

His early books, rumored to have been written as young as sixteen, are forever locked away. Now a published author, he has realized one of his childhood dreams.

In his dwindling free time, he draws a line of death themed comics called Parting Shots. You can see them along with games he makes and his disorderly blog at James Wymore Blog

Social Links: Homepage | Facebook| Twitter | Google Plus | Goodreads| Amazon

Aiden James


I began writing stories roughly fourteen years ago, after pursuing a career as a singer/songwriter in Denver and later in Nashville. My writing career
could’ve been a brief one, as it started one night when it was my
turn to read a bedtime story to my two young sons. Rather than read
the ‘Mouse birthday book’ for the umpteenth time, I began a
ramble about a mystical world parallel to our own, a world where
sinister creatures sought to take a little boy into their hidden
lair… forever.

My first critical reviews from my young audience were mixed. My youngest child, Tyler, was enthralled about the magical place I created, and eagerly awaited more. However, my oldest, Christopher, thought it was the dumbest tale he had ever heard! Luckily, my wife, Fiona, listened nearby. She thought the idea had potential, although she kept that fact a secret until the following spring, 1997. When she suggested I create a
fuller blown version of this story, it marked the beginning of my
love affair with writing stories.

I wish I could tell you that the experience has always been a glorious progression, where crafting characters, incredible landscapes with captivating plots, and surprising twists was easy. Far from it. It took nearly three years for me to complete my first novel–based on the bedtime story to my boys who by then were young teenagers—and another two years to decide if I liked it enough to show it to anyone else.

Since then, I have written nine more novels, and presently have five established book series out there, with a brand new sixth series set to start in the fall with Curiosity Quills Press. The first installment of this new
series is entitled “The Serendipitous Curse of Solomon Brandt”, and will be a serialized project before it is released as a full book in early 2013. After this series, which explores the true nature of good and evil, who knows what will be on the menu next? Something dark and creepy… Or, perhaps something light and fun?

Definitely, I intend for it to be something well worth your time to check out—Just wait n’ see!

Social Links:Homepage | Facebook| Twitter | GooglePlus | Goodreads| Amazon


Curiosity Quills Press (CQ) is a small hybrid publishing company specializing in genre fiction of the highest quality. With 150+ titles in our catalog already and approximately 6 new books coming out each month, there’s never a dull moment at CQ. We work with major retailers such as
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible to ensure that you, the
reader, can find whatever you are looking for at your convenience.

Founded in 2011 by Eugene Teplitsky and Lisa Gus, CQ was initially a resource portal for writing and publishing, created in an effort to help writers, like themselves, survive the publishing industry. After rapid success, CQ morphed into publishing press that over time has solidified its share in the market. Now we spend our days searching for the next great escape!

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50 Books in a Year · Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews

The Actuator: Fractured Earth by James Wymore and Aiden James


Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance.
Rating: ★★★★☆

Hidden in a remote desert mountain, in a secret military base- there is a dangerous machine. One that the American public and the world do not know about.
To the employee’s, aptly named the Machine Monks, the Actuator is the perfect machine to live out their greatest fantasies. Seeing as the purpose of the Actuator is the capability to transform entire communities into alternate realities. The Machine Monks realities that is.
Using sparsely inhabited areas and dampeners to limit the affected areas and minimize their experiments, the Machine Monks progress to feeding 20 different genres into the Actuator’s data base. Meanwhile, a saboteur has dismantled the dampeners and thrown the entire world into chaos and the surviving Machine Monks must scramble to find this person and set the world right!

If this machine was real, you know the entire world would turn into a giant mix of Middle Earth, The Walking Dead and Hogwarts. If it is real, I’m waiting for my Hogwarts letter! Ha ha!

This was a rather fast paced novel as it throws you right into the middle of the chaos. It took me a couple of chapters to figure out what was really going on. Nothing says “oh crap, RUN!” like a giant, fire breathing dragon chasing you down immediately.

With the pace, I did feel that some concepts of the novel were missed, especially as to why this machine came into the hands of the military and why they’re trying to study it. But that might just be me, I like knowing the whole stories.

Other than that, I definitely enjoyed this novel. I’m serious, if it’s real, I know a lot of people like me who are waiting patiently for their Hogwarts letters! I look forward to the future of the Actuator, Xenwyn, Red, Dragon Star, Jon and Glass.

Number of Pages: 276
Provided by: Published, Curiosity Quills Press
Publication Date: August 13, 2013

James Wymore Website

Aiden James Website

Where to buy:


Barnes and Noble


Stay tuned for the Actuator 2: Return of the Saboteur review later today!

Will be cross posted at: 

Shh I am Reading Tumblr and Good Reads.

Book in exchange for honest review · Book Reviews

Treasure, Darkly by Jordan Elizabeth

Genre: Science Fiction, Steampunk, Western, Young Adult, Fantasy
Rating: ★★★★★

Riding up to the Treasure Ranch, 17 year old Clark is seeking refuge from the army in the sanctuary of his estranged mining tycoon father’s home and name.
A rather large surprise to the Treasure family; except to 16 year old Amethyst Treasure who finds the revelation amusing. The Treasures immediately welcome Clark and he works hard to not break that respect that they have given him. When Amethyst is kidnapped and then fatally shot by a neighbour, Clark reveals his gift to Amethyst, the ability to bring the dead back to life. Clark enlists Amethyst to help him uncover his past, his parentage and to continue to elude his pursuers. To think, Amethyst was concerned that a summer home with her family was going to be tedious!

Ah Steampunk! How I love you!
Now a Steampunk and a Wild West setting? Even better!

I received this copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This isn’t my first Jordan Elizabeth novel and I hope that it won’t be my last now that I’ve finished Treasure, Darkly. This author has a rare gift of story telling. She has the ability to draw you into her imagined worlds and to make her characters jump out of  the pages with life!

Clark is a dear boy. You would think his upbringing would be stereotypical and he’d end up following in the footsteps of that statistic but he seems to have kept himself straight. He loved his mom, dearly; he respected her even if he didn’t like her job. He is definitely the Young Adult Hero for sure.

Amethyst is the one you love to hate. Self-indulgent, self-entitled attitude…argh! Her treatment of her parents, especially her mother. Wow. I suppose it comes in hand with being 16 and having gotten away with everything, her parents made a monster.
When Amethyst realizes who Clark really is and what he can do, it’s like she becomes an entirely different person. It seemed to wake her up, that she almost lost her life for good and Clark brought her back.

Although it may seem morally wrong and really gross or weird at first, the burgeoning romance in the novel was interesting. I encourage you to shake off your pre-conceived notions and read on, eventually it will make sense.

I didn’t really have any issues with this book, seeing as I gave it five stars! I look forward to more adventures with the Treasures!

To be cross posted at:
Good Reads
Shh I am Reading Tumblr

Jordan Elizabeth Website

Where to buy



Book Reviews

Cornerstone by Misty Provencher

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Contemporary, Young Adult Romance
Rating: ★★★★☆

Social outcast among her peers at her high school, 17 year old Nalena Maxwell wants nothing more than to be normal. To not be named the Waste at school because her mother is a paper hoarder.
When one of the most popular boys at school begins paying attention to her she thinks it’s another joke on her expense. The popular boy, Garrett Reese, rescues her from an attacker and treats her with the respect and kindness that she is unused to. Her mother, on the other hand, is very wary of this boy yet treats him like he’s an old friend. This begins to open a closets filled with old skeletons and powerful secrets. Nalena learns she has a very important choice to make; one that could change her entire world.

What caught me first about this novel was the complexity of hoarding. This not only affects the hoarder but also the family. Once the kids at Nalena’s school had heard about her mother’s hoarding tendencies, she became their target, unfortunately.

When Nalena notices Garrett Reese is starting to pay attention to her, she is unsure if it’s a joke or if he was being truthful about knowing her. I actually enjoyed that she was naturally suspicious of him and his sudden interest in her. Although she was curious and enjoyed it a little, I would be a little apprehensive as well. It wasn’t one of those awkward “love at first sight” novels. It took some time to build.

I also enjoyed the supernatural race that was created. It explained her mother’s hoarding, Nalena’s developing skills and why Garrett and his family were trying to to get closer to her.

And I will be honest but this novel made me cry. 3 am, finishing the last couple of pages and the ending gets you right in the feels! Oh the tears. Made me go hug my Mama that day and tell her that I loved her.

I don’t have many complaints about this novel, except that I went to Kobo and bought the rest of the series, it was so good! Ha ha!

I look forward to reviewing the rest of this series. I can only hope it gets better!

Review will be cross posted at Good Reads and at Shh I am Reading Tumblr 

Misty Provencher Website

Where to Buy:

Free at Kobo! 

Free at Amazon!